Building stronger financial futures for Chicago residents.
without a checking or savings account
Many people qualify to receive a $1,200 Economic Impact Payment Through the Cares Act.
Stimulus Payment Training for Nonprofit and Government Case Managers
Join us for a webinar to learn about EIP payment eligibility and explore no-fee banking options with Bank On Chicago.
Bank On National Account Standards
The CFE Fund’s Bank ON National Account Standards provide local programs with a benchmark for account partnerships with financial institutions, and include both core and recommended features.

Cities for Financial Empowerment Fund
City of Chicago
Economic Awareness Council
Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation
Federal Reserve Bank
Heartland Alliance/Illinois Asset Building Group
Office of the City Treasurer, City of Chicago
Access Living
Bethel New Life
Cara Chicago
Catholic Charities
Chicago Commons
Chicago House
Gary Comer Youth Center
Heartland Alliance
Jane Addams Resource Corporation
Jewish Free Loan Chicago
Jewish United Fund
Ladder Up
National Latino ELester and Rosalie Anixter Centerducation Institute
National Latino Education Institute
North Side Community Federal Credit Union
Northwest Side Housing Center (NWSHC)
Preservation of Affordable Housing
The Resurrection Project
Safer Foundation
St. Lawrence Ministries
Woodstock Institute
Year Up
These accounts do not allow overdraft or non-sufficient funds fees, so you’ll never be hit with a surprise fee.
Certified accounts are $5 or less per month, with no unpredictable fees.
Certified accounts always allow free deposits, free withdrawals, and free bill payments.