City of Chicago Reminds Residents of Available Resources for Renters and Landlords ahead of the end of the Eviction Moratorium

The eviction moratorium ends on Sunday, Oct. 3, 2021, but Chicago tenants still have options. If you are worried about remaining in your home because you have been unable to pay rent: 
Don’t Self-Evict – If you get an eviction notice, know that only the Sheriff can carry out an eviction. 
It is illegal for your landlord to try to remove you from your home. 
Get Legal Help – Get free legal help at Rentervention.com or by calling 312.347.7600. More information is available below. 
Get Financial Help – Go to Chicago.gov/renthelp for information on how to apply for up to 15 months of rental assistance. 
DOH is continuing to process and approve rental assistance applications submitted earlier this year, and is prioritizing the most vulnerable applicants to ERAP, based on income. You can check the status of your online application by clicking here.

La moratoria de desalojos termina el 3 de octubre, 2021, pero losinquilinos en Chicago todavía tienen opciones. Si Ud. se preocupa 
por inestabilidad en su hogar porque no ha podido pagar la renta: Si ha recibido una notificacion de desalojo del propietario de su departamento, no tiene que mudarse de inmediato. Sólo la Oficina 
del Sheriff del Condado de Cook puede finalizar un desalojo, y es ilegal si el propietario intenta desalojarlo de su hogar. Hay asistencia legal gratuita. Visite Rentervention.com o llame 312.374.7600. Hay asistencia financiera. Visite Chicago.gov/RentHelp para aplicar para hasta 15 meses de asistencia. DOH está procesando y aprobando aplicaciones para asistencia financiera y da preferencia a los aplicantes más vulnerables, considerando sus ingresos. Para ver su estus de su aplicacio, haga clic aqui

The State of Illinois’ moratorium on COVID-related evictions ends October 3 but renters still have options. For anyone worried about remaining in their home because of an inability to pay rent, the City of Chicago is reminding renters there are resources available to help them stay safely housed.

Financial assistance is still available and tenants may qualify for up to 15 months of rent payments, in addition to utility payment assistance. Residents can visit chicago.gov/renthelp to apply, and check the status of an application for rental assistance submitted in the summer.

Through a partnership with the Lawyers’ Committee for Better Housing, renters can receive free legal and mitigation assistance to prevent being evicted. The hotline, Rentervention, is free and confidential, and tenants can call 312-347-7600, visit rentervention.comor text “hi” to 866-7RENTER (866-773-6837) to start a conversation with Renny, Rentervention’s bot.

The Cook County Legal Aid for Housing and Debt (CCLAHD) offers free legal help, mediation, and connections to other resources including rental assistance. To learn more, call 855-956-5763 or visithttps://cookcountylegalaid.org.

Under the COVID-19 Evictions Protection Ordinance, landlords filing evictions due to nonpayment of rent against tenants who have coronavirus-related financial hardships, wait for a seven-day “cooling-off” period in addition to the regular five-day notice period. After the “cooling-off” period, landlords must show the court that they have engaged in good faith efforts to reach a reasonable alternative to eviction, including mediation, payment plans or other options before an eviction can proceed. 

For more information about resources for renters facing possible eviction, visit chicago.gov/eviction