Financial Wellness Video Series
Now Available with Spanish SubtitlesNational Disability Institute (NDI) recently released a series of five video stories about Illinois residents who participated in financial wellness training for individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities. Basic money topics including housing, ABLE accounts, benefits planning, guardianship, credit and more. The videos are now available with Spanish subtitles. Over the last three years, more than 11,000 individuals with disabilities and family members in Illinois have participated in at least one hour of this financial wellness training from NDI. The five videos, now also available with Spanish subtitles, represent how the the financial wellness training is empowering people with disabilities and family members across Illinois. This Financial Wellness for People with Disabilities training was made possible by an investment from the Illinois Council on Developmental Disabilities (ICDD).
For more information on the Financial Wellness project contact:
Kish Pisani at partnership with:
These resources were created with support from the Illinois Council on Developmental Disabilities by grant number CFDA 93.630 from the U.S. Administration for Community Living, Department of Health and Human Services, Washington, D.C. 20201. Grantees undertaking projects with government sponsorship are encouraged to express freely their findings and conclusions. Points of view or opinions do not, therefore, necessarily represent official ACL policy.