Meet the Journey Forward’s HUD Certified Housing Counselor


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Program Overview:

The Journey Forward is a HUD Certified Housing Counseling Agency as a proud affiliate of

Housing Action Illinois. Our Money Talks Financial Capability Program offers comprehensive financial literacy programming that teaches the basics of money management as an essential

foundation of self-sufficiency. The “Money Talks” Program focuses on personal finances,

banking products, and the importance of a strong credit profile to enhance financial security.

Our Housing Counseling Program addresses all aspects of housing concerns such as Homeless

Prevention, Rental Topics, Pre-Purchase, Post Purchase, and Foreclosure Prevention.

A focus of our Financial & Housing Counseling Programs, is our one-one counseling services. Clients are encouraged to attend one-on-one financial counseling with our HUD Certified Counselors who assist clients in addressing their specific financial needs, goals, and concerns. The financial counselor supports clients in developing a budget, establishing financial goals, reviewing their credit report, addressing credit issues, and identifying barriers to financial stability.

Additionally, clients are introduced to banking and credit building products, that

improve a client’s ability to establish a firmer financial footing. The Journey Forward is

particularly dedicated to housing topics which is reflected in our menu of workshop topics.

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